Legal Disclaimer-
foodiplus is an online platform which allows partners and customers to sell and buy fresh homemade foods. However, the company disclaim that it does not directly sellany products of their own. Any legal requirements by local, state, or any government agencies to sell foods must be the responsibility of the seller(s) themselves. We held no responsibilities to train, educate or help any process or documentations to our partners and customers regarding to any government and compliance requirements. We expect every partners and customers must do their own due diligence, research, and be compliant as required by the local and state law. Company also bears no responsibilities on the quality of the foods partners sell through our platform, each and every partner must maintain the quality, and healthy foods to the customers. If any customers get sick or see any health issues by taking the foods from foodiplus, we held no responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the sellers (partners) to consistently maintain good quality of the foods they are selling via foodiplus.
Home-based food business must be looked to Seller's state's cottage food laws in the United States. Here is the URL with details on what is require to sell home basedfoods in the state of Pennsylvania: Consumer Protection
Below are some helpful links foodiplus expect the partners (sellers) to go through and take necessary steps required by the governments. The links are provided just to help our partners; however, we advise the partners to google and contact local and state agencies to ensure they are compliant
PA link:-Visit Here
By States:- Visit Here